Join Us on March 27 for "Fighting Hate While Preserving Freedom" Symposium

March 19, 2018

Members of the Rutgers Community:

I am writing to encourage you to attend the March 27 symposium, Fighting Hate While Preserving Freedom: A Best Practices Forum, at the Rutgers Business School on the Livingston Campus.

Over the past year, on college campuses like ours and across the country, we have navigated difficult issues surrounding freedom of speech and freedom of religion, and we have been tested in our responses to expressions of bigotry and intolerance. Dealing with these challenges calls for conversation about strategies for fighting back against hatred without infringing upon the right to free speech.

This day-long forum, free and open to the Rutgers community, will begin with a discussion of the resurgence of hate speech and challenges to the First Amendment, and will focus on best practices in confronting hate at houses of worship, online, on campus, and in the broader community. 

Our speakers will include leaders in community building, conflict resolution, and civil rights from across the nation. You are welcome to come for part or all of the day’s talks, or to watch the livestream. For the full list of keynote speakers and the program for the day, click here.

Please register by sending an e-mail with your name to Lunch will be provided to any who register by March 21. A reception will follow the presentations. 


Robert Barchi